- Algemene
info - Training
Club - Engelse
lessen - Agenda
Activiteiten - Accommodatie
Faciliteiten - Prijzen
en Startdata - Fotos
en Videos - Vragen
Download informatie over dit kamp en lees het op elk moment. Heeft u al besloten? Reserveer nu!
Antwoorden op algemene vragen over de kampen.
Boys and girls are accommodated separately in double, triple or quadruple rooms. Young people are placed in rooms with others of similar age.
We recommend taking as little money as possible. Since the costs of accommodation and meals are covered in the price, the children only need money, for example, if they want to buy a drink or snack from the camp’s vending machines or perhaps a souvenir during the excursions they make outside the camp.
This camp does not have particular days in the week when it begins and ends but the camps themselves have fixed start and end dates. See below:
- 2 week programme: From 29/06 to 11/07, from 05/07 to 18/07 and from 12/07 to 24/07.
- 3 week programme: From 29/06 to 18/07 and from 5 to 24/07
- 4 week programme: From 29/06 to 24/07
Participants stay at the Hotel Euro Esquí and the football coaching takes place on the same site. The hotel has extensive facilities and the young people can also take part in other sports while staying there.
Once you have reserved at place at the camp you will be sent a detailed list of all the things your child needs to take to the camp.
Participants should bring their own clothes as the camp does not provide sports kit.
Antwoorden op vragen over de registratie en het boekingsproces van de kampen.
To reserve a place at this camp you must fill in the registration form or contact us. Once you have registered, you will need to pay a deposit equivalent to 50% of the total cost. The other 50% must be paid before 31 May.
Antwoorden op vragen over hoe naar het kamp te reizen, ophaal- en begeleidingsdiensten en vervoer van de kinderen tussen de verschillende kampfaciliteiten.
If parents wish, they can take their children to the camp. The camp also offers an optional transfers service whereby camp monitors are sent to collect children who are arriving to attend the camp from different locations in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Valencia, Castellón, Lérida or Aeropuerto del Prat). Contact us for more information.
Alle veiligheidsinformatie over het kamp om uw vragen te beantwoorden over: begeleiders, medische diensten, kampuitjes en kampveiligheid.
Dit kamp staat geen bezoeken toe.
Er is één begeleider voor elk 12 kinderen. De begeleiders spreken Spanish, English
Once the participants have completed their daily programme of activities (approximately 21:00) they have some free time and can use this time to call their families.
No, children are not permitted to leave the camp without being accompanied by a member of camp staff.
It’s not recommended that participants take valuable objects into the camp because the camp cannot be held responsible for any theft or loss of personal belongings.
If your child becomes ill or is injured during their stay at the camp they will be taken to the nearest medical centre and you will be informed immediately.
Antwoorden op algemene vragen over de kampen. Intern functioneren, ouderbezoeken, tijdschema's.
Dit kamp is gericht op kinderen in de leeftijd van 8 en 16 jaar.
Ja, meisjes kunnen deelnemen aan het kamp, maar alleen op specifieke data. Groepen zijn gemengd- jongens en meisjes trainen gezamelijk.
De jongeren krijgen 15 uren training.
Er is/zijn Eén trainer Per groep, de groepen bestaan maximaal uit 15 studenten.
The price includes full board accommodation, coaching, English classes, free time activities and excursions (except that of Port Aventura and the tour of Barcelona which will incur an additional cost).
- Persoonlijk Nederlands contact
- Ervaring in de sector
- Makkelijke betalingsopties
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